Essential PDF and WORD publications on a wide variety of topics.
External sources that offer on-going, rich opportunities for learning.
Truth and Reconciliation
Resources to assist in learning, unlearning, taking action and reconciliation.
Booshoo, tansi, tawnshi, She:kon, udlukuut, tungasugitsi, aanii, bonjour, greetings!
Welcome to ETFO’s First Nations, Métis & Inuit Education website.
The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is the professional and protective organization representing over 83,000 Teachers, Occasional Teachers, DECEs, ESPs, and PSPs employed in the public elementary schools of Ontario.
ETFO celebrates the diversity of the membership and strives to promote social justice in the areas of peace, anti-poverty, non-violence, and equity. ETFO recognizes that we live in a society characterized by individual and systemic discrimination against particular groups. Within this context, ETFO defines equity as fairness achieved through proactive measures that result in equality for all.
In 2015, ETFO endorsed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. ETFO understands that it is integral for members to move forward into reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. It is our hope to educate and inform ETFO members on the diversity of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, provide information on the complex historical and current relationship between Canada and the Indigenous nations, while providing opportunities for dialogue to dispel common myths and misconceptions of Indigenous Peoples.
To support ETFO members in their learning and instructional practices ETFO has developed resources that focus inclusively on First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) worldviews and perspectives. The resources are developed by ETFO members (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous) and with the broader Indigenous community. This website includes a compiled list of resources developed by ETFO, teacher union affiliates and education sectors, and latest news and dates of significance. In parcel to our journey in reconciliation, we would like to welcome you to use and share the resources within this page.
Miigwech, Nia:wen, Nakurmiik, Qujannamiik, Marsee, merci, thank you!
The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario